Follow Procedure

  • Students are expected to attend all classes and school activities punctually.
  • Absences must be reported by parents/guardians with a valid reason.
  • Excessive unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action.

2. Code of Conduct

  • Respect: All school community members must treat each other with respect and dignity.
  • Behavior: Bullying, harassment, and discrimination are strictly prohibited.
  • Dress Code: Students must adhere to the school’s dress code policy.

3. Health and Safety

  • The school is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment.
  • Emergency procedures, including fire drills and lockdowns, will be regularly practiced.
  • Students must report any safety concerns to a staff member immediately.

4.Extracurricular Activities

  • Participation in extracurricular activities is encouraged.
  • Students must maintain good academic standing to participate in these activities.

5. Communication

  • The school will maintain open lines of communication with parents/guardians.
  • Regular updates will be provided through newsletters, emails, and the school website.

6. Disciplinary Actions